понедельник, 21 сентября 2015 г.

5 Perfume Ingredients that Can Affect Your Hormones

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is a project by the Breast Cancer Fund which has
been working since 2004 to educate consumers about toxic chemicals in their products and to put pressure on the industry to change. Knowing what they know about the chemicals in the fragrance loophole, they decided to test name brand perfumes to see what they found. This was back in 2010.
They tested 17 different perfumes and found a total of 38 chemicals that were not listed on the labels, with an average of 14 unlisted chemicals in each product.
American Eagle Seventy Seven topped the list with 24 undisclosed chemicals. Chanel Coco was not far behind with 18.
Some of these ingredients were what you’d expect (or hope for): harmless fragrance ingredients that make up the proprietary blend. But many of them were preservatives and additives that are questionable.

1. BHT

BHT and other butylated compounds (BHA is another common one) are used to preserve products to lengthen their shelf life. Which is convenient for you, because that means you don’t have to store your perfume in the freezer.

2. Oxybenzone

Only 1 of the perfumes tested in the CSC’s study contained oxybenzone, but the fact that it was there at all had us scratching our heads. Normally when you’re checking a label for oxybenzone, it’s because you’re buying a sunscreen.

3. Phthalates

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used in a number of different products: food packaging, vinyl flooring, detergents, and pharmaceuticals, to name a few. Also called plasticizers, they’re used to make plastics more flexible.

4. Octinoxate

A UV absorber, octinoxate is commonly found in sunscreen products and was found in 8 of the brands tested by the CSC.

5. Musk Ketone

The International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health published a study that outlined the effects of musk ketone, both on human health and on the environment.

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