вторник, 25 августа 2015 г.

How To Get Fuller Cheeks

Here are some examples of celebrities with “boney faces” and “meaty faces.”
Angelina Jolie has a “boney face” and she is only 37 years old. Nicole Kidman has a “meaty face” and she is 45 years old. Does this surprise you? I was surprised!
I thought Angelina Jolie was older than her actual age and Nicole Kidman was younger than her actual age. Of course they dress differently and they carry themselves differently but both of them are skinny and I was wondering why they look the way they look. It is their face differences!!
Here are some examples of celebrities with “boney faces” and “meaty faces.” Angelina Jolie has a “boney face” and she is only 37 years old. Nicole Kidman has a “meaty face” and she is 45 years old. Does this surprise you? I was surprised!

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