воскресенье, 30 сентября 2018 г.

remedy for better looking eyes

After you're finished masking, follow up with your normal toner, serum, and oil.

brightening and lightening mask

Rinse your mask off with warm water and use a washcloth if needed to completely remove

“caught with egg on your face” mask

After you apply the mask, lay down with your feet in the air to encourage blood to flow

avocado honey heaven

Before applying a mask, cleanse your skin.

rejuvenating mask

This recipe from Natural Skin Care: Alternative & Traditional Techniques, by Joni Loughran.

7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Hand Sanitizers

Hand sanitizers were actually invented by those who work in the medical field.

3 Dangerous Ingredients Found in Common Deodorants

Deodorant is one of those habitual products that people don’t usually think about.