суббота, 1 октября 2016 г.

DIY Geranium Oil Glowing Skin Face Mask

While geranium essential oil is useful for healing skin conditions, it can be used regularly in
your beauty routine to enhance the appearance of your skin at any time. An easy way to add more of this oil to your skincare regime is by including it in your favorite homemade facial recipes.
Here’s one of my favorite geranium oil face mask recipes that helps remove impurities, unclogs pores, and leaves the skin feeling silky, smooth and refreshed.
This simple face mask recipe can be made in under a minute and used every few days to improve the appearance and texture of your skin. This mask is best applied to clean, dry skin after exfoliating.
While geranium oil offers numerous health benefits to the skin, bentonite clay is a natural detoxifier that helps remove blemish and wrinkle-promoting toxins from the skin. Since geranium essential oil is also a natural stress and anxiety reliever, using it for a facial could be your new favorite way to relax after a long day.
  • 1 t Bentonite clay
  • 1 t rose water or filtered water
  • 4 drops geranium essential oil
How to Make It
  1. In a small bowl, mix bentonite clay with water until a paste starts to form. If you’d like, you can add a few extra splashes of water to reach your desired consistency.
  2. Mix 4 drops of geranium essential oil and apply directly to the skin.
  3. Allow to dry and leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off.
Bentonite clay, rose water and geranium essential oil are available at most natural health stores.

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